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Comparison: tyres similar to Falken Sincera SN-832 Ecorun

Looking for a comparison of Falken Sincera SN-832 Ecorun to tyres that are made in similar dimensions? Here you can find detailed information based on tests, reviews and manufacturer's data.

# Falken Sincera SN-832 Ecorun
Continental ContiPremiumContact 5
Fulda EcoControl HP
Kleber Dynaxer HP3
Pirelli P1 Cinturato Verde

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DimensionsR12 - R15 R15 - R17 R14 - R17 R14 - R19 R14 - R17

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Dimensions and prices

Mutual tests

Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test1,91,53,02,01,6
Falken Sincera SN-832 Ecorun
Rating: Good
Continental ContiPremiumContact 5
Rating: Satisfactory
1,9 1,73,53,01,9
Fulda EcoControl HP
Rating: Satisfactory
3,22,43,42,0 2,1
Kleber Dynaxer HP3
Rating: Satisfactory
2,81,84,12,0 2,4
Pirelli P1 Cinturato Verde
Rating: Satisfactory
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