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Comparison: Apollo Aspire XP vs. Maxxis Premitra HP5

# Apollo Aspire XP
Maxxis Premitra HP5

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In a comparison between the Apollo Aspire XP and the Maxxis Premitra HP5 summer tyres, several differentiating factors were observed in the test results. The data suggests that both tyres have their strengths and weaknesses, exhibiting superiority in certain driving conditions and scenarios.

The tests, involving Autozeitung, ACE, and Autobild, have underscored different performances of these two Apollo and Maxxis tyres. It's worth noting that neither tyre has been replaced with a newer model as of yet.

The Apollo Aspire XP has shown promising traits in terms of exterior noise and wet circle cornering. However, the gathered data focuses mostly on these mentioned traits which acts as the tyre's best features. In the Autozeitung and ACE tests, the Apollo Aspire XP held the 8th and 4th positions respectively. Interestingly, in the extensive Autobild test including 53 different tyres, it ranked on the lower side at the 14th position. The overall average rating of Apollo Aspire XP is 53%, implicating that there is room for improvements.

On the other hand, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 has consistently ranked higher in all the tests. Its best features include aquaplaning - cross, dry handling, safety, dry steering response, exterior noise, wet circle cornering and wet handling - objective, making it a much versatile tyre in comparison. In both Autozeitung and ACE tests, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 performed admirably, ranking 3rd and 1st respectively. It further exhibited a fairly decent performance in the extensive Autobild test, ranking 20th amongst 53 tyres. With an overall our rating of 78%, the Maxxis Premitra HP5 asserts its high performance and reliability.

In conclusion, based on the said test results, it's apparent that the Maxxis Premitra HP5 is the superior tyre overall, excelling in various driving conditions and parameters, making it a safe and reliable choice, especially in summer. The Apollo Aspire XP although not as versatile, it still holds its advantages and given the right conditions, can be a good fit for specific users. It's recommended for customers to consider their driving habits, road conditions and requirements while choosing between these two tyres.

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Mutual tests

Name Points totalWetDry
Best values in test264137129
Apollo Aspire XP211101110
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Highly recommended
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Name WetDryRolling resistanceNoiseRunning costs
Best values in test615620818
Apollo Aspire XP
Rating: Recommended
5145178 15
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Highly recommended
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Apollo Aspire XP
Rating: Good
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Points totalWetDry
Best values in test277142135
Apollo Aspire XP216101115
Maxxis Premitra HP5
Rating: -
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Apollo Aspire XP36,331
Maxxis Premitra HP536,333,2
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