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Comparison: Avon ZV7 vs. Falken Azenis FK510

# Avon ZV7
Falken Azenis FK510

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DimensionsR15 - R19 R17 - R99
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If you're trying to decide between the Avon ZV7 and the Falken Azenis FK510, this comparison might help you make up your mind. These tyres are both summer tyres, each offering unique performance characteristics. This comparison is based on the test results from multiple trusted sources, as well as our own rating.

The Avon ZV7 is a respectable performer with a rating of 48%. It delivers consistent results, but doesn't stand out in any specific category. This tyre didn't secure a top position in the Autobild test, finishing 17th out of 52 total participating tyres. Details about the Avon ZV7 can be found on the manufacturer's page. It is noteworthy that this tyre has not been replaced by any newer model.

On the other hand, the Falken Azenis FK510 is a superior performer and boasts an impressive rating of 79%. It holds a high position in the esteemed Autobild test, positioning 3rd out of 52 total tyres. It has been made in Japan and Turkey, integrating innovative technology for optimal performance. You can find more details on the manufacturer's page. The Falken Azenis FK510 has been replaced by a newer model, the Falken Azenis FK520, available for view here.

Final Verdict: While the Avon ZV7 holds its own as a reliable tyre, it falls behind in comparison with the Falken Azenis FK510. The latter not only offers higher overall performance but also has a stellar reputation in tests. Therefore, based on our analysis, the Falken Azenis FK510 is the superior choice between the two.

For more comprehensive comparisons and tyre details, feel free to explore our Avon and Falken tyre sections.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Avon ZV735,335,1
Falken Azenis FK5103629
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-1-1
Avon ZV7
Rating: Satisfactory
Falken Azenis FK510
Rating: Exemplary
1- 2+2
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
Avon ZV735,839,7
Falken Azenis FK51035,534,8
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Avon ZV7
Falken Azenis FK510
Rating: Recommended
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