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Comparison: BF Goodrich g-Grip vs. Cooper Zeon CS8

# BF Goodrich g-Grip
Cooper Zeon CS8

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When we compare two summer tyres, the BF Goodrich g-Grip and the Cooper Zeon CS8, we find some interesting key differences and characteristics.

The BF Goodrich g-Grip tyre, manufactured by the BF Goodrich company is a summer tyre known for its robust performance. However, in our rating, it only holds 28% which indicates that it may not be the top performer in all aspects. There has not been a newer tyre model to replace the g-Grip as of yet.

On the other hand, the Cooper Zeon CS8, made in GB, is yet another choice for summer driving. It has a similar performance and design like the BF Goodrich tyre, but it shines with a significantly better rating of 56%, giving it a notable edge over BF Goodrich g-Grip. This model is still in production and there hasn't been any replacement up till now. It is manufactured by the Cooper Tyres.

In the recent Autobild tyre test involving 52 tyres, the BF Goodrich g-Grip was placed at the lower end of the ranking at 27th position, while Cooper Zeon CS8 secured a better place at 19th position. While the ranking can be influenced by a series of factors, overall, the Cooper Zeon CS8 displays dominance in multiple areas over the BF Goodrich g-Grip.

In conclusion, while the BF Goodrich g-Grip is a solid choice for a standard summer tyre, the Cooper Zeon CS8 outperforms it in many aspects and emerges as a better option according to testing data and our own ratings. This is not to say that BF Goodrich g-Grip is a poor tyre, but when compared directly with the Cooper Zeon CS8, the latter provides better performance and value for the driver.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
BF Goodrich g-Grip36,536
Cooper Zeon CS837,334,3
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test2+1-1
BF Goodrich g-Grip
Rating: Satisfactory
Cooper Zeon CS8
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,534,3
BF Goodrich g-Grip38,339,1
Cooper Zeon CS837,737,5
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
BF Goodrich g-Grip36,241,8
Cooper Zeon CS83739,2
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