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Comparison: Continental PremiumContact 6 vs. Pirelli Cinturato P7

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Germany (Continental) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Italy (Pirelli). Generally, Pirelli summer tyres are slightly better rated (72%) than Continental (71%). In this particular case, the Continental PremiumContact 6 has a better rating of 87% compared to 78% of the Pirelli Cinturato P7. Important for this comparison is also the ADAC 2021 205/55 R16 test, where both the PremiumContact 6 and the Cinturato P7 were tested. See more mutual tests below. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 89% of Continental PremiumContact 6 has A wet grip rating, whereas 78% of Pirelli Cinturato P7 has B rating. If you wonder where the tyres in question are made, the PremiumContact 6 is made in Slovakia/Germany/Czech Republic and Cinturato P7 is made in Italy/Romania.

# Continental PremiumContact 6
Pirelli Cinturato P7

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DimensionsR15 - R22 R16 - R20
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Mutual tests

Name WetDryNoiseWear
Best values in test1,81,42,70,6
Continental PremiumContact 6
Rating: Good
1,8 2,03,12,5
Pirelli Cinturato P7
Rating: Satisfactory
2,02,02,7 3,0
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Name Points totalWetDryComfortFuel consumption
Best values in test61111216
Continental PremiumContact 657241769
Pirelli Cinturato P757241797
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Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoiseRunning costs
Best values in test1536651191017
Continental PremiumContact 6
Rating: Highly recommended
1516251 17714
Pirelli Cinturato P7
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name Points totalWetDry
Best values in test277142135
Continental PremiumContact 6
Rating: -
277 142 135
Pirelli Cinturato P7
Rating: -
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