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Comparison: Cooper Zeon CS8 vs. Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2

# Cooper Zeon CS8
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2

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DimensionsR15 - R19 R17 - R21
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When choosing between the Cooper Zeon CS8 and the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2, there are several factors to consider based on comprehensive tyre tests and reviews. Both models are summer tyres, designed for optimum performance in warm weather conditions.

Starting with the Cooper Zeon CS8, this tyre is manufactured in the United Kingdom by Cooper. Given an overall rating of 56%, the Zeon CS8 positioned mid-range in various tests. For instance, it came in 19th in a test of 52 tyres conducted by Autobild, while coming in 9th from 10 tyres in a test conducted by Gute-Fahrt. No specific strengths or weaknesses were mentioned in the tests available.

The Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2, on the other hand, from Dunlop, comes out on top with an overall rating of 79%. This Ultra Ultra High Performance (UUHP) tyre considerably surpassed the Cooper Zeon CS8 in tests, ranking 7th in the Autobild test of 52 tyres and reaching a very impressive 2nd place in the Gute-Fahrt test. The Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 was praised in tests for its "longitudinal aquaplaning performance" and "comfort". Notably, reviews highlight its safe driving characteristics on wet roads, good aquaplaning qualities, short dry braking distances, and fair pricing. However, it was also mentioned for delayed steering response on dry roads.

In conclusion, when comparing the two tyres based on available test results, the Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2 clearly outperforms its competitor in all areas tested and is by far the better option overall. But, for those on a budget or who don't frequently drive in heavy rain or at high speeds, the Cooper Zeon CS8 might be an adequate choice.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test58.124.8
Cooper Zeon CS865.427.7
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT261.827
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,727,5
Cooper Zeon CS839,131,3
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT236,128,8
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Cooper Zeon CS837,334,3
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT235,431,4
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-1-1
Cooper Zeon CS8
Rating: Satisfactory
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Exemplary
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Cooper Zeon CS8
Rating: Good -
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT2
Rating: Highly recommended -
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
Cooper Zeon CS83739,2
Dunlop SP Sport MAXX RT234,438,3
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