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Comparison: Cooper Zeon CS8 vs. Fulda EcoControl HP2

# Cooper Zeon CS8
Fulda EcoControl HP2

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When it comes to choosing a summer tyre, two models that may cross your path are the Cooper Zeon CS8 and the Fulda EcoControl HP2. As per the test results presented, here's an in-depth comparison of these two tyres to help you make an informed decision.

The Cooper Zeon CS8 is a summer tyre manufactured in the United Kingdom. With our rating of 56%, this model lacks a bit when compared to the Fulda counterpart. Tests from Autobild and ADAC showcased that the Zeon CS8 performed moderately on roads, particularly wet surfaces. However, it exhibited significant weaknesses on dry surfaces, and it did not fare well in environmental performance, durability, and efficiency. Despite the few drawbacks, the tyre can still offer a good ride on wet surfaces. Find more about Cooper Zeon CS8 here.

Alternatively, the successor to the Fulda EcoControl HP, the Fulda EcoControl HP2 is another summer tyre worth looking into. According to our analysis, this tyre garnered a rating of 79%, a significant increase from the Zeon CS8. In recent tests from Autobild and ADAC, the EcoControl HP2 outperformed the Zeon CS8, acquiring a higher ranking. The strengths of this tyre include low exterior noise and impressive resistance to cross aquaplaning. It also showcased good environmental balance, tyre wear, and efficiency. However, it didn't do as well on wet surfaces. For more information, visit Fulda EcoControl HP2.

Although both tyres have their strengths and weaknesses, the Fulda EcoControl HP2 seems to offer a better overall performance and more balanced driving experience based on the tests. However, it's essential to consider your driving style, road conditions, and personal preferences when choosing the right tyre for your vehicle. To view a broader range of offerings, consider exploring more about Cooper tyres and Fulda tyres.

In conclusion, it's worth considering the EcoControl HP2 due to its all-around performance and improved features, but always remember to consider your specific needs. Remember, a good tyre is one that fulfills all your requirements and offers an optimal driving experience throughout its life.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,425,8
Cooper Zeon CS838,933,0
Fulda EcoControl HP236,829,5
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Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
Cooper Zeon CS8
Rating: Sufficient
Fulda EcoControl HP2
Rating: Good
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
Cooper Zeon CS838,034,5
Fulda EcoControl HP236,033,8
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