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Comparison: Dunlop Sport BluResponse vs. Nokian WetProof

# Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Nokian WetProof

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In this article, we will compare two summer tyres, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse and the Nokian WetProof. Both tyres have been tested in various scenarios and we'll be analyzing their strengths and weaknesses based on the test results. Before diving into the details, let's take a quick look at each tyre.

Dunlop Sport BluResponse

The Dunlop Sport BluResponse is a summer tyre designed to deliver high performance, excellent grip, and reduced rolling resistance. It has an overall rating of 85% on our website. Manufactured by Dunlop, this tyre has not been replaced by a newer model yet.

Nokian WetProof

On the other hand, the Nokian WetProof is also a summer tyre, but it primarily focuses on wet performance and safety. It has an overall rating of 87% on our website and is manufactured in Finland by Nokian. Just like the Dunlop Sport BluResponse, there is no newer tyre that replaces this model.

Test Results Comparison

We will now summarize the test results from Autoklub ČR, ADAC, autoklubcr 2023, Autobild, and ACE for both tyres.

Autoklub ČR

Out of 19 tested tyres, the Nokian WetProof ranked 6th, while the Dunlop Sport BluResponse ranked 12th. The Nokian WetProof had the best exterior noise performance.


In the ADAC test, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse ranked 4th out of 18 tyres, whereas the Nokian WetProof ranked 6th.

autoklubcr 2023

According to the autoklubcr 2023 test, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse performed well on dry roads, was efficient and light but showed slight weakness on wet roads and had a relatively low mileage. On the other hand, the Nokian WetProof was balanced, performed well on dry and wet roads, and was efficient. However, it also showed weaknesses in environmental performance, mileage, and wear, as well as slight weaknesses in sustainability.


In Autobild's test, out of 53 tyres, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse was ranked 11th, while the Nokian WetProof ranked 6th. Dunlop Sport BluResponse was noted for its comfort.


Out of 9 tested tyres, the Nokian WetProof ranked 1st and the Dunlop Sport BluResponse ranked 2nd. The Dunlop Sport BluResponse excelled in the areas of aquaplaning (cross and longitudinal), dry driving behavior, dry handling, wet handling, and wet handling-objective. The Nokian WetProof, on the other hand, outperformed in wet braking, wet handling, and wet handling-objective.


In summary, the Nokian WetProof outperforms the Dunlop Sport BluResponse in most of the tests, especially in wet conditions. The Nokian WetProof is an excellent choice for those who prioritize wet performance and safety. On the other hand, the Dunlop Sport BluResponse offers good performance on dry roads and is a more comfortable tyre. Depending on your priorities, both tyres can be a great addition to your vehicle. Make sure to check our website for more information on each tyre and their respective Dunlop and Nokian manufacturers.

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Mutual tests

Name Points totalWetDry
Best values in test104,7106103,4
Dunlop Sport BluResponse98,697,899,3
Nokian WetProof101,3102,2100,4
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Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Rating: Good
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Good
Show test details
Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test2,11,52,41,01,2
Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Rating: Good
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Satisfactory
2,1 2,22,72,52,6
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1
Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
Dunlop Sport BluResponse35,432,2
Nokian Wetproof35,131,7
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoiseRunning costs
Best values in test1536651191017
Dunlop Sport BluResponse
Rating: Highly recommended
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Highly recommended
153 66 4517817
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