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Comparison: Falken EuroWinter HS01 vs. Kumho WinterCraft WP71

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Japan (Falken) against a tyre from a manufacturer from South Korea (Kumho). In this particular case, the Falken EuroWinter HS01 has a better rating of 66% compared to 54% of the Kumho WinterCraft WP71. The first tyre test of Falken EuroWinter HS01 was done in 2017, compared to 2016 when was the Kumho WinterCraft WP71 first tested. Important for this comparison is also the Autobild 2020 225/40 R18 test, where both the EuroWinter HS01 and the WinterCraft WP71 were tested. See more mutual tests below. We also know where EuroWinter HS01 is made - Turkey.

# Falken EuroWinter HS01
Kumho WinterCraft WP71

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DimensionsR13 - R21 R16 - R19
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Mutual tests

Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test1-21-
Falken EuroWinter HS01
Rating: Good
2+2- 1-
Kumho WinterCraft WP71
Rating: Conditionally recommended
2+2- 3
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Name Stopping distance on wetStopping distance on snow
Best values in test30,324,3
Falken EuroWinter HS013727
Kumho WinterCraft WP7135,728
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Name Stopping distance on wetStopping distance on snow
Best values in test29,224
Falken EuroWinter HS0133,926,1
Kumho WinterCraft WP7131,524,8
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