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Comparison: Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun vs. Nokian WetProof

# Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Nokian WetProof

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In this comparison, we will be evaluating two prominent summer tyres: the Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun and the Nokian WetProof. Both tyres possess a rating of 87% on our website and are well-regarded for their performance in various conditions.

Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun

The Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun is a touring tyre made in Turkey, offering excellent performance on both wet and dry surfaces. According to the 2018 Autobild test, the ZE310 is praised for its balanced performance and highest ratings on wet and dry roads, but it shows slight weaknesses in environmental impact, efficiency, and sustainability.

Among all the tests, the Falken tire ranked 6th in the ADAC test out of 50 tyres, 8th in the Autozeitung test out of 10 tyres, 9th in the Firmenauto test out of 11 tyres, and 8th in the Autobild test out of 53 tyres. The tyre particuarly excels in aquaplaning resistance and dry handling according to ACE.

Nokian WetProof

The Nokian WetProof is a summer tyre manufactured in Finland. This tyre delivers an excellent performance on both wet and dry roads. According to the Autobild 2018 test, the WetProof receives praise for its balanced performance, efficient driving, and excellent performance on wet and dry roads. However, it has weaknesses in mileage, wear, and slight weaknesses in sustainability.

For the Nokian WetProof, it ranked 5th in the ADAC test out of 50, 6th in the Autozeitung test out of 10, 2nd in the Firmenauto test out of 11, and 6th in the Autobild test out of 53 tyres. Nokian WetProof excels in exterior noise, wet handling, and wet braking according to various tests.


Overall, the Nokian WetProof performs slightly better in mutual tests compared to the Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun. Both tyres, however, have been commended for their exceptional performance on wet and dry roads.

In summary, the Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun has some weaknesses in efficiency, environmental impact, and sustainability, while being praised for its aquaplaning resistance and handling on dry surfaces. On the other hand, Nokian WetProof shows minor weaknesses in mileage, wear, and sustainability, but earns high marks for noise levels, wet braking, and handling performances.

If you are in search for a well-rounded summer tyre, both the Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun and the Nokian WetProof are worthy options. While the Nokian WetProof has slightly better overall test rankings, choosing between these two tyres will ultimately depend upon your preference for specific features and performance aspects.

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Mutual tests

Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Good
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Good
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test146134
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Good
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test8,98,98,71010
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Good
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun35,831,4
Nokian Wetproof35,131,7
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoiseRunning costs
Best values in test1536651191017
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Recommended
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Highly recommended
153 66 4517817
Show test details
Name Points totalWetDryEnviromental impact
Best values in test8,89,19,39,7
Falken ZIEX ZE310 Ecorun
Rating: Still recommended
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Recommended
8,8 9,09,06,5
Show test details