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Comparison: Fulda SportControl 2 vs. Pirelli P ZERO

# Fulda SportControl 2
Pirelli P ZERO

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DimensionsR17 - R20 R17 - R22
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In this comparison, we are going to look at two popular summer tyres, the Fulda SportControl 2 and the Pirelli P ZERO. Both tyres come from respected manufacturers, with the Fulda and the Pirelli brands known for their high-quality products.

The Fulda SportControl 2 has received an overall rating of 84% from our website, and it is a well-rounded summer tyre. In the Autobild test, the Fulda SportControl 2 ranked 12th out of 53 tested tyres. Its best features were exterior noise, comfort, rolling resistance, and aquaplaning resistance (both cross and longitudinal). It did not perform as well in wet and dry handling and braking, but it still held its position as a reliable tyre for summer driving.

On the other hand, the Pirelli P ZERO has a higher overall rating of 88% on our website. It also fared better in the Autobild test, ranking 4th out of 53. The Pirelli P ZERO excelled in areas like dry handling, dry braking, wet braking, wet circle cornering, wet handling, and dry handling. It is a summer tyre with excellent performance in both wet and dry conditions, providing safety, grip, and control on the road.

Made in Italy, the Pirelli P ZERO is known for its high-quality manufacturing, ensuring durability and longevity. As of now, neither the Fulda SportControl 2 nor the Pirelli P ZERO has been replaced by a newer model, so they both remain highly competitive in the market.


Fulda SportControl 2

  • Strengths: Low exterior noise, good comfort, low rolling resistance, and aquaplaning resistance.

  • Weaknesses: Wet and dry handling and braking performance not as strong as the Pirelli P ZERO.

  • Overall: A decent summer tyre with good comfort and noise levels, best suited for drivers who prioritize these features.

Pirelli P ZERO

  • Strengths: Excellent wet and dry performance (handling, braking, and cornering).

  • Weaknesses: Not as quiet or comfortable as the Fulda SportControl 2.

  • Overall: A high-performance summer tyre offering superior control and grip in both wet and dry conditions, best suited for drivers who prioritize safety and sporty handling.

In conclusion, the choice between the Fulda SportControl 2 and Pirelli P ZERO will depend on your priorities as a driver. If you value a more comfortable and quiet ride with decent aquaplaning resistance, the Fulda SportControl 2 might be the better choice for you. However, if wet and dry performance, safety, and handling are more important, you should opt for the Pirelli P ZERO for its superior performance in these areas.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Fulda SportControl 234,231,7
Pirelli P ZERO34,834,6
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Exemplary
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Good
1- 2+3+
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test1-1-
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P ZERO
Rating: Exemplary
1- 1-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Fulda SportControl 235,132
Pirelli P ZERO35,128,9
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