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Comparison: Kleber Dynaxer UHP vs. Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

# Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

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Our tyre tests website offers in-depth tyre reviews and comparisons like this one, between the Kleber Dynaxer UHP and the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport. Both of these models are popular options for summer driving, boasting unique features aimed at improving performance in warm conditions.

The Kleber Dynaxer UHP, manufactured by Kleber, is an impressively rated tyre according to our evaluations - earning a 68% rating. In an AutoBild test involving 53 different tyre types, this model ranked at position 15. Unfortunately, the specific standout features for the Kleber Dynaxer UHP have not been mentioned in the test data. We also note that, this model has not been replaced by a newer one.

Meanwhile, the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport, manufactured by Toyo, holds a lower place in our evaluations, with a rating of just 37%. Produced in Japan, the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport landed at position 19 in the same AutoBild test. Despite a lower overall position, this tyre gained recognition for its exceptional exterior noise performance - a feature that it won plaudits for not just once, but twice in the comparison. Similar to the Kleber model, this tyre hasn't been replaced by a newer model.

Considering all this data, the overall mutual test positions indicate the Kleber Dynaxer UHP as the superior option for summer tyres. It ranked higher in the AutoBild test and secured a significantly better rating in our evaluations. However, drivers prioritizing a quieter ride may find the unique exterior noise features of the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport more appealing.

Ultimately, the decision between the Kleber Dynaxer UHP and Toyo Proxes T1 Sport depends on the individual's driving priorities and conditions. Our site provides the facts and numbers; leaving the final decision to the discerning driver. Do check out the complete tire reviews for both Kleber Dynaxer UHP and Toyo Proxes T1 Sport on our page for a more detailed comparison.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Rating: Satisfactory
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Kleber Dynaxer UHP34,132,2
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport35,431,5
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Kleber Dynaxer UHP
Rating: Satisfactory
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Kleber Dynaxer UHP35,932,1
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport37,131,7
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