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Comparison: tyres similar to Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV

Looking for a comparison of Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV to tyres that are made in similar dimensions? Here you can find detailed information based on tests, reviews and manufacturer's data.

# Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV
Apollo Aspire XP Winter
Bridgestone Blizzak LM-005
Cooper Discoverer Winter

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DimensionsR15 - R20 R16 - R18 R14 - R22 R16 - R21

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Dimensions and prices

Mutual tests

Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test2+21
Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV
Rating: Not recommended
Apollo Aspire XP Winter
Rating: Exemplary
2+ 2 1-
Bridgestone Blizzak LM-005
Rating: Good
2+ 2 1
Cooper Discoverer Winter
Rating: Satisfactory
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