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Comparison: Apollo Alnac 4G vs. Michelin Primacy 4+

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from India (Apollo) against a tyre from a manufacturer from France (Michelin). Generally, Michelin summer tyres are slightly better rated (64%) than Apollo (47%). In this particular case, the Michelin Primacy 4+ has a better rating of 79% compared to 56% of the Apollo Alnac 4G. The first tyre test of Apollo Alnac 4G was done in 2015, compared to 2023 when was the Michelin Primacy 4+ first tested. Important for this comparison is also the Autoklub ČR 2023 205/55 R16 test, where both the Alnac 4G and the Primacy 4+ were tested. See more mutual tests below.

# Apollo Alnac 4G
Michelin Primacy 4+

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DimensionsR14 - R17 R16 - R21
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Mutual tests

Name Points totalWetDry
Best values in test104,7106103,4
Apollo Alnac 4G96,797,396,1
Michelin Primacy 4+102,6103,9101,4
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Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
Apollo Alnac 4G
Rating: Good
Michelin Primacy 4+
Rating: Good
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