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Comparison: BFGoodrich Advantage vs. Firestone Roadhawk

# BFGoodrich Advantage
Firestone Roadhawk

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If you're looking for detailed comparison between the BFGoodrich Advantage tyre and the Firestone Roadhawk tyre, you've come to the right place. These two summer tyres have been put to the test in a few well-respected comparisons, including Autobild and ADAC. Here, we have summarized those test results as well as our own ratings to provide an actionable verdict.

With an overall rating of 76%, the BFGoodrich Advantage outperforms the Firestone Roadhawk, which has a 72% rating. These percentages cover a range of factors such as comfort, performance in wet and dry conditions, and value for money.

Both tyres have their unique strengths. The BFGoodrich Advantage offers dynamic dry handling, low rolling resistance, low noise level, and a favourable price. But it shows a tendency to understeer in wet conditions. The Firestone Roadhawk performs very well on dry roads, is lightweight, and provides good traction in both wet and dry conditions. However, it could be better balanced as it has weaknesses on wet roads and is the loudest tyre in the test.

Moving on to test positions, in an Autobild test with 53 tyres, the Firestone Roadhawk stood 10th, outperforming the BFGoodrich Advantage which was 18th. On the other hand, in an ADAC test with 16 tyres, while both were placed near the middle of the pack, the Firestone Roadhawk was slightly superior ranking 9th and the BFGoodrich Advantage came 10th.

In conclusion, while both the BFGoodrich Advantage and the Firestone Roadhawk are solid choices for summer tyres, according to our ratings and test results, the BFGoodrich Advantage could be a better choice for those who prioritize comfort and value for money, as well as quiet and efficient performance. However, if handling in both dry and wet conditions is your top priority, the Firestone Roadhawk may be more suitable.

For more information on the BFGoodrich Advantage, visit the BFGoodrich official website. If the Firestone Roadhawk has you intrigued, explore it further on Firestone's official website.

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Mutual tests

BFGoodrich Advantage
Rating: Good
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Good
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,425,8
BFGoodrich Advantage37,429,1
Firestone Roadhawk36,628,7
Show test details
Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
BFGoodrich Advantage
Rating: Good
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Good
Show test details
Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test1,71,62,711,7
BFGoodrich Advantage
Rating: Satisfactory
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,727,5
BFGoodrich Advantage36,331
Firestone Roadhawk37,732,8
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1
BFGoodrich Advantage
Rating: Satisfactory
2-2+ 2-
Firestone Roadhawk
Rating: Good
2+2+ 3
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
BFGoodrich Advantage36,731,9
Firestone Roadhawk35,731,6
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