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Comparison: Debica Presto HP2 vs. Nokian WetProof

# Debica Presto HP2
Nokian WetProof

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DimensionsR15 - R17 R14 - R20
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The Debica Presto HP2 and the Nokian Wetproof are both noteworthy summer tyres manufactured by Debica and Nokian respectively. This comparison is based on extensive tyre testing data and aims to help you make an informed decision about which of these two models suits your driving needs.

The Debica Presto HP2 is a robust tyre with a commendable rating of 84% in our internal tests. It has been rated highly for beneficial environment considerations and good performance in terms of wear and efficiency. However, the tests showed that it could improve in terms of balance and overall safety with its current position in the ADAC test at 7th out of 18 and 16th out of 53 in the Autobild test. Strengths of this tyre are mainly its price/value ratio.

Meanwhile, the Nokian Wetproof emerges slightly stronger in our assessment with a rating of 88%. It scores higher in the test positions, ranked at 6th in both ADAC and Autobild tests. Test results praise the Nokian Wetproof for being balanced, efficient, and performing well on both dry and wet road conditions. Its weakness lies in its environmental footprint, with deficits in terms of wear, efficiency and sustainability.

To summarize, the Debica Presto HP2 proves to be a reliable tyre with an excellent value for money, offering good wear and efficiency. However, it could be more balanced and its safety aspects need improvement.

On the other hand, the Nokian Wetproof demonstrates strength in the area of driving performance, both on dry and wet roads. It has more balance but its sustainability and wear could be better.

Drawing from the available data and our own ratings, the Nokian Wetproof was slightly more successful in all the tests overall and sits a notch above the Debica Presto HP2. However, the choice between these two depends on what qualities you prioritize as a driver.

At present, it must be noted that neither of these tested tyres has a newer model replacing them. This article will be updated as soon as there are new developments or promising alternatives in the market.

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Mutual tests

Name Enviromental impact
Best values in test1,3
Debica Presto HP2
Rating: Good
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Good
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Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test2,11,52,41,01,2
Debica Presto HP2
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian Wetproof
Rating: Satisfactory
2,1 2,22,72,52,6
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1
Debica Presto HP2
Rating: Exemplary
Nokian WetProof
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,129,6
Debica Presto HP236,331,9
Nokian Wetproof35,131,7
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