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Comparison: Dunlop Sport All Season vs. Kleber Quadraxer 3

# Dunlop Sport All Season
Kleber Quadraxer 3

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Let's compare two popular allround tyres: the Dunlop Sport All Season and the Kleber Quadraxer 3. Manufactured in France and Poland respectively, both tyres have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

The Dunlop Sport All Season, made by Dunlop, is known for its excellent dry handling and comfort. It offers balanced handling on both wet and dry surfaces. Its comfort is repeatedly emphasized as one of its best features. However, it has some drawbacks like understeer snow handling and mediocre aquaplaning characteristics. It also has an extended dry braking distance. In comparative tests by Autobild, it held the 7th position out of 15 tyres.

On the other hand, the Kleber Quadraxer 3, produced by Kleber, took a higher position of 4th in the same tests. It replaces its predecessor, the Kleber Quadraxer 2 and shines with its excellent dry braking, comfort, and snow braking features. Its performance on snowy and dry surfaces is commendable. However, it is noted to have a delayed steering response and understeer wet handling characteristics.

Both tyres fall under the 'allround' category. While both tyres are decent allrounders, the Quadraxer 3 outperforms the Sport All Season in most categories, which is reflected in our overall rating where the Quadraxer 3 scores a robust 90% compared to the Sport All Season's 72%. If snow driving isn't a consideration, the Sport All Season's superior comfort and dry handling could make it a suitable choice.

In short, the Dunlop Sport All Season offers excellent comfort and balanced handling albeit with some weak points in snow handling and dry braking distance. The Kleber Quadraxer 3 excels in dry braking, comfort and snow braking but may not offer the quickest steering response. However, based on positions in mutual tests and overall scores, the Quadraxer 3 emerges as the victor in this comparison. Ultimately, the decision relies on the specific needs and expectations of each driver.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test37.745
Dunlop Sport All Season42.547.4
Kleber Quadraxer 338.348.5
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Dunlop Sport All Season
Rating: Satisfactory
Kleber Quadraxer 3
Rating: Good
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,944,4
Dunlop Sport All Season44,646,6
Kleber Quadraxer 340,349,4
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Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1-1
Dunlop Sport All Season
Rating: Good
Kleber Quadraxer 3
Rating: Good
22+ 2+2-
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