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Comparison: Falken EuroALL Season AS210 vs. Maxxis Premitra AS AP3

# Falken EuroALL Season AS210
Maxxis Premitra AS AP3

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Today, we bring to you an unbiased review and comparison of two popular all-season tyres, the Falken EuroALL Season AS210 (manufactured by Falken) and the Maxxis Premitra AS AP3 (produced by Maxxis).

Falken's EuroALL Season AS210 has an overall rating of 73%. Manufactured in Turkey, this tyre excels in wet circle cornering, wet and dry handling, and provides adequate comfort. Another noteworthy strength is its price-to-value ratio, which bolsters its popularity amongst budget-conscious users. However, its snow and wet handling slightly understeers, and it carries the disadvantage of a slightly higher rolling resistance and longer dry braking distances.

Maxxis's Premitra AS AP3, manufactured in China, scores a little lower at 63%. The tyre shines when it comes to wet circle cornering, exterior noise reduction, and dry braking performance. Enhanced aquaplaning resistance across both longitudinal and cross directions also differentiates this tyre. Regrettably, it lacks in winter performance and presents a noticeably reduced grip and understeering behaviour on snowy and icy surfaces, leading to longer wet braking distances.

Looking at their positions in the mutual Autobild test, Maxxis's Premitra AS AP3 secured the 4th position out of 31 tyres, surpassing Falken's EuroALL Season AS210, which landed at position 11. Notably, Maxxis emerged as the superior choice for those prioritising exterior noise reduction and superior aquaplaning resistance. Nonetheless, Falken's tyre still offered commendable performance, particularly considering its lower price tag.

To summarise, both tyres have their strengths and weaknesses. The Falken EuroALL excels in handling, comfort, and value for money but falls short in winter conditions and wet handling. In contrast, the Maxxis Premitra AS AP3 offers reduced exterior noise and superior aquaplaning resistance but reduces grip and understeers on icy and snowy surfaces.

Therefore, the choice between these two quality all-season tyres depends largely on your driving conditions and needs. If winter performance is a priority for you, you might favour Falken. Meanwhile, those prioritizing noise reduction and aquaplaning resistance might lean towards Maxxis.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,944,4
Falken EuroALL Season AS21044,451,6
Maxxis Premitra AS AP343,151,8
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Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1-1
Falken EuroALL Season AS210
Rating: Good
Maxxis Premitra AS AP3
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test2+2+2+
Falken EuroALL Season AS210
Rating: Good
2+ 2-2
Maxxis Premitra AS AP3
Rating: Not recommended
Show test details
Name WetDrySnowRolling resistanceWear
Best values in test2+2+2+11
Falken EuroALL Season AS210
Rating: Satisfactory
2+ 2232+
Maxxis Premitra AS AP3
Rating: Satisfactory
2-2+ 2+ 2-3+
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test37,650
Falken EuroALL Season AS21042,250,8
Maxxis Premitra AS AP338,454,7
Show test details
Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test12+11
Falken EuroALL Season AS210
Rating: Exemplary
Maxxis Premitra AS AP3
Rating: Satisfactory
3+2+ 2-2-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,745
Falken EuroALL Season AS21042,751,3
Maxxis Premitra AS AP340,953,4
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,546,3
Falken EuroALL Season AS21044,250,9
Maxxis Premitra AS AP339,5 51
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