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Comparison: Fulda SportControl 2 vs. Nokian Powerproof

# Fulda SportControl 2
Nokian Powerproof

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In this article, we will be comparing two high-performance summer tyres: the Fulda SportControl 2 and the Nokian Powerproof. These tyres have been tested in various conditions and evaluated on multiple aspects of performance. We will summarize the data from all tests and provide a verdict about the strengths and weaknesses of each tyre, focusing on their mutual test positions and overall superiority in tests.

Both Fulda and Nokian are well-known tyre manufacturers. The Fulda SportControl 2 is a highly rated tyre, with an 84% rating. On the other hand, the Nokian Powerproof is slightly ahead, with an 85% rating. Neither of these tyres has been replaced by a newer model, making them still highly relevant for today's market.

Let's dive into the test results. In the Autobild test, there were a total of 11 tyres tested. The Fulda SportControl 2 ended in the 11th position, with its best features being exterior noise, comfort, and rolling resistance. Meanwhile, the Nokian Powerproof secured the 7th position with its best features being dry and wet braking.

Looking at the gutefahrt 2019 test summary for the Fulda SportControl 2, its strengths were good aquaplaning reserves, short braking distances on wet and dry surfaces, and a good price-performance ratio. However, its weaknesses included a noticeably delayed steering response and mediocre tread life.

From the autobild 2022 test summary, the Nokian Powerproof impressed with its good aquaplaning properties, convincing dynamic wet handling, and short braking distances. However, its downsides were delayed steering response and low stability on dry surfaces, significantly limited tread life, and a high price level.

In conclusion, both the Fulda SportControl 2 and Nokian Powerproof tyres have their strengths and weaknesses. The Fulda SportControl 2 excels in terms of comfort, noise reduction, and rolling resistance, making it a good choice for those who value a comfortable driving experience. The Nokian Powerproof, on the other hand, performs exceptionally well in terms of wet and dry braking, making it ideal for those who prioritize safety and control during their drives. However, both tyres suffer from a slower steering response and limited tread life. Overall, the Nokian Powerproof has a slight edge over the Fulda SportControl 2, but the choice ultimately depends on your priorities and driving conditions.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test12+1+
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Good
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Conditionally recommended
1- 23-
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,727,5
Fulda SportControl 236,529,4
Nokian Powerproof35,7 28,9
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Good
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Good
1- 2+2-
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Fulda SportControl 234,231,7
Nokian Powerproof32,929,1
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test1-1-
Fulda SportControl 2
Rating: Satisfactory
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Satisfactory
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