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Comparison: Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750 vs. Kumho HA32 Solus 4S

# Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S

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When comparing the Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750 and the Kumho HA32 Solus 4S tyres, both products stand out for their distinct features and performance qualities. Considering tests results, the Hankook Kinergy is known for its significant strengths such as excellent performance in snow handling, dry handling, and reduced exterior noise, which gave it a remarkable third position in Autobild’s test out of 32 tyres.

Meanwhile, the Kumho HA32, made in China whereas the Hankook model is made in Korea, also offered commendable results. It showed strengths in areas such as effective snow braking, mileage and price/value ratio, enabling it to secure the tenth spot in the same test.

The Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750 delivered excellent handling properties in all weather conditions, making it a reliable all-year-round tyre. Its major strengths cited in test summaries across 2020-2023 include short snow and wet braking distance, dynamic handling qualities, and a considerable level of comfort. However, it did show drawbacks in the form of extended wet and dry braking distances, and an average mileage and efficiency rating.

On the other hand, the Kumho HA32 Solus 4S displayed an excellent performance in snow traction and a secure handling in both wet and dry conditions. It maintained low noise levels, providing a quieter ride, and also boasted of a high mileage and overall efficiency. Drawbacks for the HA32 Solus 4S include moderate aquaplaning reserves, extended wet and dry braking distances, and a high rolling resistance.

Made in Korea, the Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750 also has a higher rating at 84% compared to the 73% rating of the Kumho HA32 Solus 4S. The Kinergy 4S2 H750 is a successor to the previously popular Hankook Kinergy 4S, while the Kumho model doesn't have any predecessor.

In conclusion, in terms of overall test results, handling, and customer satisfaction, the Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750 performs slightly better than the Kumho HA32 Solus 4S. Nonetheless, both models offer substantial benefits to their users and can be chosen based on individual needs and preferences.

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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test37.745
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H75041.349.5
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S41.449.8
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Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Rating: Good
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,944,4
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H75042,148
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S44,451,9
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Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test1-2+1-1
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Rating: Good
22+ 1- 3+
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S
Rating: Good
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Name WetDrySnowRolling resistanceWear
Best values in test2+2+2+11
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Rating: Good
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test37,650
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H75040,352,3
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S41,554,4
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Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test12+1
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Rating: Exemplary
1 22+
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name WetDrySnowRunning costs
Best values in test12+11
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H750
Rating: Good
1 2+ 2+3+
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test39,745
Hankook Kinergy 4S2 H75041,147,2
Kumho HA32 Solus 4S44,349,3
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