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Comparison: Nokian Powerproof vs. Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

# Nokian Powerproof
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

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When it comes to tyre performance and quality, the Nokian Powerproof and the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport are two summer tyres that are frequently compared. Produced by Toyo, a Japanese manufacturer, and Nokian, a Finnish manufacturer, these tyres have both undergone similar testing and thus, a direct comparison is useful for drivers.

Reflecting on overall performance, our website reviews give an edge to the Nokian Powerproof with a rating of 71%, compared to the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport, which scores only 37%.

In mutualtests from AutoMotorSport, Autobild and ADAC, Nokian Powerproof typically came out on top. Out of 11 tyres tested, the Nokian Powerproof was ranked 7th while the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport was placed 10th. Nokian Powerproof was particularly praised for its wet braking ability, a crucial feature for summer tyres. It also received commendations for noise reduction. Conversely, Toyo Proxes T1 Sport got recognition for its dry steering response and exterior noise.

In an ADAC test, the Nokian Powerproof was again ranked higher than the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport. With 16 tyres participating in this competition, Nokian occupied the 11th place, while Toyo was positioned at 13th. The Nokian tyre got points for lower noise, especially interior noise.

Neither tyre is considered first equipment, meaning they are normally sold as replacements for original tyres. Unlike some tyres, neither the Nokian Powerproof nor the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport have had any new models replace them.

In conclusion, data collected from multiple tests and reviews suggests that whilst the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport holds a decent steering response when dry and manages exterior noise, it's Nokian's Powerproof which consistently performs better in terms of wet braking and noise reduction. Based on these performances, the Nokian Powerproof is the superior tyre.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRolling resistanceNoiseComfort
Best values in test9,49,3101010
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Good
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Good
1- 2+2-
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Conditionally recommended
Show test details
Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Nokian Powerproof32,929,1
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport35,431,5
Show test details
Name WetDryNoiseWearFuel consumption
Best values in test1,71,32,82,01,6
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Satisfactory
2,42,42,8 3,02,0
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
Show test details
Name WetDry
Best values in test1-1-
Nokian Powerproof
Rating: Satisfactory
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
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