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Comparison: Apollo Aspire XP vs. Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

# Apollo Aspire XP
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport

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The Apollo Aspire XP and the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport are two summer tyres that offer unique performance and characteristics. These tyres have been subjected to numerous tests and here is a detailed comparison between the two based on the test results.

Firstly, the Apollo Aspire XP has a good rating of 53%. These tyres are famous for their impressive rolling resistance, securing a 14th position out of 53 tyres in the Autobild test who praised this characteristic as their best feature. However, the specific details about where this tyre is manufactured and whether it's used as first equipment on any vehicle are currently unknown. Additionally, there has not been a new model that has replaced this tyre yet.

In contrast, the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport performs slightly lower with a 37% rating in the same test. Taking the 19th position, they stand out in terms of exterior noise, which was found to be minimal. These tyres are made in Japan and so far, no new model has replaced them. You can find more about this manufacturer here.

When comparing the two tyres, the Apollo Aspire XP seems to be better in terms of efficiency, due to its lower rolling resistance. This lower resistance means that less energy is required to keep the vehicle moving, leading to better fuel efficiency.

However, on the basis of noise production, the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport triumphs. They are quieter, proving beneficial in giving you a more comfortable and less noisy ride. But overall, considering the test results and the rating, it appears that the Apollo Aspire XP performs better overall in comparison with the Toyo Proxes T1 Sport.

These results should provide you with a fair idea of the relative performance of these tyres. Remember, each tyre has its strengths and weaknesses, and the right tyre for you ultimately depends on your preferences, the specific requirements of your vehicle, and your driving conditions.

For more information about these tyres, their tests, and other products offered by these manufacturers, feel free to explore here for Apollo Aspire XP and here for Toyo Proxes T1 Sport.

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Mutual tests

Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test11-1
Apollo Aspire XP
Rating: Exemplary
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Conditionally recommended
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test32,128,7
Apollo Aspire XP34,730,3
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport35,431,5
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Name WetDryRunning costs
Best values in test111
Apollo Aspire XP
Rating: Good
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,228,7
Apollo Aspire XP36,331
Toyo Proxes T1 Sport37,131,7
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